3D works  FortuneAnother Tiny EpiphanyAnother Vesseled WingBaroquely TwistedSacred Garden ObjectSacred Garden ObjectThe MindBandages For A CloudBandagedBone DensityPointing FingersSunflower BombThe ThinkerWe Three Souls AppendageAppendageStoicI Used to Live HereVoid of PlentyUn-dressUn-dressGood Witch, Bad WitchScrambleDevour FlowerHerFragment Wing RidingBranch and Night Water  Hunger Object  Hunger Object  Without a Nest  CreatureBaitFeeding ObjectDefloweringThe MisunderstandingTiny Epiphany Branch TwistedCostume Wave as an ObjectWave as an ObjectTurning InVesseled WingPhantom Wing